About The Eight

     Welcome to our baby, Home At Eight; the blog. Let me introduce ourselves: we are Alisha and Daniel, and will be taking you on a journey with us. We just had a beautiful little girl, Caroline, she is our life. We also have two dogs names Lucy and Laila, and a turtle named Murphy. They keep us busy when we are not dreaming up things to do to our abode. 

  We met eight years ago when I was still in high school and Daniel was in college. I actually was the best of friends with his little sister, we were inseparable. I only saw Daniel a handful of times when I was at their home. By December of 2004 I was living in Japan with my parents. Still in contact with his sister and even video chatted a few times with her and him. Never knowing this was my future husband, and my soul mate. 

     I moved back to the states a week after turning 18, and that's when sparks began flying. We would hang out and watch movies together, and with friends. Then on December 31st he asked me on a date that forever changed our lives. We spent three whole days together watching movies, playing games on the XBOX, and getting no sleep whatsoever because we couldn't stop talking all night. We knew after that, this was it and we were for each other. We got married in 2009 in a flower shop that I was working at, we had our wedding a year later for family and friends in the countryside at my manager/friends family dining hall. It was a dream come true. 

    This blog is all about the things we do to our house to make it our home. We wanted to share with the world every project we decide to take on, even if it ends up in disaster at times. Through all of my mind-changing design re-arranging visions, it's ours to share and we hope you enjoy.

You can read about how I got the name idea here About the Eight.