August 10, 2014

Something Exciting...

I have some exciting and new things going on here. And one of those items are that I am now an independent consultant for Usborne Books and More! I joined first because it is actually something that provides a fun activity for the whole family and not just myself. My daughter gets all the benefits of the product and I can make income for our family and have more time at home. This is something I am very excited about. The books are absolutely amazing and now Caroline grabs at least 3 a night to have me read to her. She only goes after these books now though, not even her others that she hasn't "read" yet. Anyways I wanted to let everyone know that I am going on this amazing journey towards promoting literacy. Hopefully this also means I will have much more time to make posts now. As well I will be posting videos about these awesome books and life in general. You can reach my Usborne site through this Link

If you have any questions or are interested in hosting a Facebook party just shoot me a comment or email. ()

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