October 21, 2012

Make This Place Your Home

This week has been a whirlwind of doctor appointments, classes, and errands. Although it was busy, it was a blast at the same time. I saw all three of my doctors and everyone said that I am doing so incredibly well with this pregnancy. As well little Caroline is doing fabulous, which is always great news. It's still hitting me on a daily basis that I am pregnant, I really just can't even believe it. Something even more awesome is that I felt her little kicks this week for real, a little thing flicking me from inside. The hubs put his hand on my belly this last week and she started going wild, I felt so bad that he couldn't feel it. I am hoping as the weeks go on that it will really set in even more and I cannot wait to see her move from the outside.

If you watch any of my YouTube pregnancy vlogs, you can see that I have one heck of a belly already. Like a ridiculous belly for being a first time mom. I know I had a little bit of chunk before I got pregnant, but this belly is all baby now. At my OB appointment I was measuring 19 weeks at only 18 weeks, but the next day in the ultrasound little baby was also measuring ahead. So everything is falling right into place together. We got some really awesome photos of her as well, too bad they were after the first pictures were put onto the CD already. We have decided she has her daddy's nose and she has my cheekbones for sure. I know it will change and she will go through stages her whole life of looking like one or the other, but that's what we have concluded as of now.

Now the even funner part of the week was our cloth diaper class that we attended at our local cloth diapering store, The Green Bambino. It was all free and so informative. I thought I had a good handle on the whole knowledge of cloth diapering before hand, but was I ever wrong! It opened up a whole other world of diapers to me, and made it even more confusing for us to choose what we wanted. So armed with all of my new information I spent a good three hours researching and watching videos of reviews on different brands and types of cloths. I must say it is a little scary going into it because there is such a big up front cost, but I know it all comes back to you over time and with even more kids. We will be buying our cloth stash next month and I cannot wait to share it all. I will be doing posts and reviews on the diapers I purchase on here and on my vlog. I want to share the knowledge I have learned and show others it's not as gross or scary to actually do the diapering as it might seem.

After our awesome class we went over to Babies-R-Us and Target to do our registries. The baby shower probably will not be until January or February, but I also wanted to get it done before the holidays started in and we have to fight the crowds and other mommies for the scanner guns. We only registered items we know that they always carry such as swings, towels, bottles, etc. Also as it gets close to the shower date we will add little things here and there, but as far as large items on the registry we are buying the BIG stuff so we get exactly what it is that we researched for hours on end. Now to end the weekend we will be painting the room and I have a few photos of the "before" for you guys. I am hoping to do a mood board this week to show exactly what scheme we are going for and to put it all together.

I cannot wait to get everything all put together! I know she won't really be in her room that often at first, but I am hoping to use it for organization more than anything and for some nap times. It will probably be both of us napping in the room I am sure. Head on over to my pregnancy vlog on youtube! AdLandreth. 

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