October 11, 2012

Sweet Caroline

That's right, baby is a GIRL! We are so excited and happy. Really after all we have been through in the last couple of years either gender would have been the bees knees. I know the hubs is so excited to have a daddys girl though. He already has plans to take her on daddy dates to the zoo and museum, I can't wait to see their relationship blossom. It really is the sweetest thing. We are going to name her Caroline Leigh, I love love love that name and always have. Every Caroline I have ever met has been so sweet, so I figured it can't be bad. Also her nick name will be Cora or Cara, I like Cora a lot though. That was one name choice we had for her but I feel like her last name would be too long compared to her first name.

 I hope she forgives me for this one day!

Now we can go out and buy lots of cute, frilly, pink stuff! I hope I don't go overboard, her room at least won't be too crazy. I am so thrilled to get it started soon. She won't be in there much in the first place, but decorating is just going to be so much fun no matter what. I will be creating a mood board to show you all the ideas I have in mind for it and of course the whole transformation. Hopefully next week at our anatomy scan with the high risk doctor we can get some good 4-d images. I am so happy for our little family and how it is growing!

I am pretty sure she has her daddy's nose here. I love it!

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