November 27, 2011

Gobble Gobble!

     I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I got a big surprise last week when I found out my mom was going to be able to make it to our home for the holiday. Then on Thanksgiving an even bigger surprise that my dad was assigned to fly to our area and could spend the Friday after with us. So my thankful list was pretty long this year. Here it goes....

    I am Thankful for:

  • My wonderful and loving husband who I can always count on, he is by far the sweetest person I have ever met.
  • My wonderful mom and dad. They have given me so much in my life, I could never thank them enough for all the opportunities they have given me. Cannot wait to move near them in the coolest town ever!
  • For all of my amazing friends and family who I can always chat their ear off when I am feeling stressed or ecstatic.
  • For my beautiful home that I share with my hubs, two dogs, and my turtle. That I get to decorate, demolish, and paint to my wits end, and they still put up with me.
  • And last but not least for the children that are out there waiting to come into our lives, and us for them. I am thankful for the day I will get to hear the news and the day we will meet them. No matter how it happens, just for when it does. 

     On Thanksgiving I cooked from the evening before and all morning until two in the afternoon. The evening before I made some green bean casserole and cinnamon rolls to take to my co-workers that had to work on Thanksgiving. As well my mom and I made our family famous fudge. Even if it didn't turn out just exactly right, we still laughed until we cried. It was a pretty fabulous day. And later that night some friends from work showed up and we all had a blast just sitting around and talking. It felt like a pinch myself kind of day, as if it were all a movie playing in front of me. This is what Thanksgiving is all about. I think people forget that sometimes. It is not about the money and shopping for the best deals. It is about having the ones who care about you and that you care about spending the day with you because they want to. And now here are the photos that I found a few moments to snap. 
My Thanksgiving Mantle

The table on Thanksgiving day. Gold & Red. 

YUM! The food!

And of course the Christmas tree. We always set it up either on Thanksgiving or a little before. 

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