November 4, 2011

Of course!

    I never meant to go this long without posting anything, but so much has been going on in the past few weeks that I literally have had no time. We had to get ready for our home re-assessment. Got it done, and felt great about it afterwards. Then worked, and worked, and worked some more. After working a whole lot my poor hubby got very sick and we had doctor appointments as well. In between all of this we had Halloween to celebrate as well.

   I ended up being Rosie the Riveter. I have always been in love with the era she was modeled after. And I think this hit my personality straight on. I am independent, helpful, and strong. Who wouldn't want to be Rosie?

   Anywho, I should be getting back to straight blogging this weekend! I will update quite a bit of things . Thanks for reading!

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