November 19, 2011

Ohhhhhh Shiny...

    You know those awesome candles that are so beautiful and have glitter with those little beads all over them? Yes, those same candles that every time you go to look at the price you are hoping that once maybe they are only a dollar or on clearance. Just to be disappointed every time when they end up being 14.99.  Well thanks to pinterest I found a way around that hefty price tag with a little elbow grease.

   Instead of using candles on this project I used some ornaments. The perks of working in retail is getting to take home those awesome ornaments and such things. Well these ornaments from last year where a little TOO shiny for my liking and way more colorful than I wanted to use this year.

   Super cool, huh? These a pretty good size ornaments. In fact I saw similar ones at a department store and for six of them it was eighteen bucks?! I can't fathom covering a tree with them if I have to pay that much. This is where the experiment comes in. What you need:

Epsom Salt
Glitter of your choice
Mod Podge
Acrylic paints

     For this project I used some little diamond looking stones instead of glitter. Also I am going with a cream and gold theme this year for Christmas, so I used a metallic gold and silver paint for under colors. Though first to get my desired effect I had to paint over the ornaments with a matte color so the metallic would go on properly.

After we painted all of them I let them dry for about half an hour or until the paint was dry to the touch.

Then once they were dry I painted half gold and half silver. As well then we laid them to the side to dry. They dried stacked on a large plate since if a little color got on one another it wouldn't matter. Once dry I covered each one in Mod Podge with a paint brush. A small layer is all that is needed.  Then immediately rolled them each into the epsom salt mixed with the diamond stones. Then each one was set out to dry. This took about 45 minutes to completely dry.

     Then once dry I put hooks on them and tah-dah! Pretty awesome huh? So now on your next craft day you can try this out on anything you'd like to get that same effect on.

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