November 8, 2011

     I made something super delicious this weekend, and for the first time. I made pot roast, and it was oh so yummy! This was the very first time really making a big meal in the crock-pot. And it was very much on a whim. I think I owe it to Paula Deen's furniture I saw in the store earlier in the day that made me want it. Except I use Coconut Oil instead of butter.

   So I bought what I thought I needed, with some good help from a friend about the meat choice. Along with a second trip to the grocery store after I realized I needed some extra things. I can tell you one thing, my hubs was so excited to be eating a big ol meaty dinner. I used the recipe by The Pioneer Woman, she's pretty awesome and she is from Oklahoma. I have used her recipes for many different things and they never fail me.

  Here's the ingredients I used, they differ slightly from hers. Also because of what I have on hand and what I use on a daily basis.

     There is also carrots but they were frying and I decided to take a photo after the fact. Go me! I used some awesome poultry mix I have had for a few years. It is just dried rosemary, thyme, and basil. Then I used my favorite, coconut oil. It cooks so much better than anything I have ever used. And it is so good for you, especially me since I have an immune deficiency. I will do a post about all the good things it does soon.

  Anywho we also got a 3.5 lb bottom round roast from Sams Club. We love us some green bell peppers too, so we decided to add it in. As the pioneer woman did, we made mashed potatoes on the side instead of adding them in, which made it heavenly.

   So first I heated our skillet with two tbsp of coconut oil.  In which I seared the onions, carrots, and green peppers in.

    I didn't use her directions to sear the meat though. We weren't having it that night so We put it straight into the crock pot raw. Thank goodness I have the hubs around, because I don't like touching red meats very much. I don't know why, but I have a weird panic attack when I have to. It's just not for me, but he doesn't care either way. So he used some of the salt and paper and rubbed it into the meat.

    We added the broth after this, the whole little containers was right at 3 cups. Then we added in the poultry seasoning and mixed it around. Then on top of that was the veggies. We cooked it overnight since I don't like leaving appliances on when I am not home. I think all those episodes of Rescue 911 when I was little put the fear of electrical fires in me. (Does anyone else remember that show?).

   So the next morning my hubs took the crock out and onto a cookie sheet and into the fridge it went. When we got home from work we put the crock back into the pot and heated it one high for about and hour and half. Just enough for all the fat to be re-dissolved and for everything to come back to food safe temp. I made some mashed potatoes while we waited. The meat literally just fell apart with the fork. It was so delicious. I poured some of the wonderful juices on the potatoes and put a little A1 sauce on the meat.

   Forever I was intimidated by this meal, I don't know why. But I love it and it is gonna stick around for as long as I can turn a switch on and off. Have you ever made anything that intimidated you? Did it turn out better than you perceived?

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